European Commission's new Directorate General (DG MENA)
The Directorate-General for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf (DG MENA) is the entry point of the Commission for all countries in these three regions. The DG aims to develop strong partnerships with these countries based on mutual interest, to ensure common sustainable prosperity and resilience. To achieve this, it brings together different strands of work within the Commission and supports partners with the technical and financial instruments of the European Union.
DG MENA was created on 1 February 2025 and aims to develop a mission statement on the basis of consultation process with partners and the work of all the colleagues of the DG in Brussels and in the EU Delegations in its partner countries. It works under the political authority of Commissioner Dubravka Šuica and is led by Stefano Sannino.
Access more information on the EC website here.