Project details



An integrated typology-based approach to guide the future development of European historic buildings towards a clean energy transition

Start date: 01.12.2023

Duration: 48 months

Coordinator: Eurac Research



The FuturHist project explores barriers that practitioners, building owners, and public authorities face while going through the planning process of retrofitting. The barriers analysis is accompanied by the policy framework study, based on building codes and regulations, and interviews with heritage authorities in the demonstration sites (Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the UK). The focus will be on the different legislation levels: local, regional, national, and European. 

The local building stock analysis and typology definition are essential to the project’s initial phase. Local partners in 4 demonstration areas will collect information about the buildings’ characteristics, including energy performance and occupants’ comfort, to enhance the replicability potential of solutions developed within the project. Every building studied in FuturHist is an example of a larger group of buildings with similar features.  Within these building typologies, the project consortium will also map the current renovation practices. 

FuturHist will select and incorporate the most useful guidelines and tools developed for energy retrofitting in historic buildings into the decision-making toolkit. 

By exploring the research areas of the project’s initial phase, FuturHist will simplify and standardise the planning process, making it more effective and leaving room for sophisticated analyses only where needed. To make this possible, they will set Key Performance Indicators to enable transparent assessment methods. 

List of achievements

More information about the demonstrators here.


Contact person: Coordinator: Daniel Herrera
Address: Eurac Research
Tel: /

