Project details



Open Training and Qualification Platform on nZEB Construction and Renovation

Start date: 01.03.2015

Duration: 36 months

Coordinator: Huygen Installatie Adviseurs B.V

Budget: 1.5 M€


PROF/TRAC develops and maintains an Open Education Platform for Continuing Professional Development. This platform addresses technical experts, engineers, architects and building managers involved in nZEB design and construction. Especially the collaboration between these professions is necessary to develop mutual understanding of each others’ disciplines and combine skills to achieve optimal nZEB construction and retrofitting in terms of performance quality, energy efficiency and cost effectiveness.

The first step is the mapping of existing skills and qualifications in the EU and to compare this with the required skills for nZEBs. Thereafter, the outcome will be matched with existing qualifications, knowledge sources, education programmes, post-initial training supply and accreditation/ certification structures, and also linked to the BUILD UP skills actions. This was already done for seven pilot countries. On this basis the project developed a Train the Trainer training, which is open to CPD trainers from all around Europe.

List of achievements

The report on the skills mapping of seven EU countries can be found here.

All results available on CORDIS website here.


Contact person: Peter Op ‘t Veld
Address: Huygen, NL
Tel: +31 880 322 222

