01.06.2021 | The 1st METABUILDING GROW/HARVEST CALL opens on June 15, 2021
Up to 60.000 € for innovation and collaboration projects of SMEs
1st GROW/HARVEST call: the 2nd call of the METABUILDING project opens on June 15, 2021.1The METABUILDING project aims at boosting SME innovation in the…
16.05.2021 | ECSO updated website and latest report on Digitalisation in the construction sector
The European Construction Sector Observatory (ECSO) aims to inform European policymakers and industry stakeholders on the market conditions and policy developments through regular analysis and comparative assessments.…
05.05.2021 | Speaking and visibility opportunities at The Future City Conference: The Core of the Green and Digital Transitions in Europe
The conference entitled The Future City: The Core of the Green and Digital Transitions in Europe will take place online over two days on 15 and 16 June and will focus on the role that cities can play in the twin…
19.04.2021 | SmartBuilt4EU - Launch of the website & registration for the SBIC
The SmartBuilt4EU (SB4EU) project's main objective is to consolidate and support the Smart Building Innovation Community (SBIC), so as to release the full power of smart building technologies and to remove the last…
16.04.2021 | BIGG First newsletter
The H2020 project BIGG (Building Information aGGregation, harmonization and analytics platform), launched in December 2020, demonstrates the application of big data technologies and data analytic techniques in the…
15.04.2021 | EC Agency INEA replaced by CINEA
The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) was replaced by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) on 1 April 2021.The new Agency will have a key role in supporting the…
14.04.2021 | Parliament vote on Horizon Europe and information on co-programmed partnerships
The European Parliament’s industry and research committee ITRE has just voted for Horizon Europe, the EU’s multiannual framework programme for research. This vote comes after EU research ministers adopted the programme…
02.04.2021 | Stakeholder workshops & public consultation for the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU (EPBD)
As announced in the European Green Deal, the Commission adopted on 14 October 2020 a strategic Communication "Renovation Wave for Europe - greening our buildings, creating jobs, improving lives". It contains an action…
22.02.2021 | EU Survey on Building renovation (H2020 project RINNO)
The project “RINNO: An augmented intelligence-enabled stimulating framework for deep energy renovation delivering occupant-centered innovations”, funded by the European Union's H2020 research and innovation programme…
16.02.2021 | European Research and Innovation Days 2021 - 23-24 June - Save the date
The European Research and Innovation Days will take place online on 23 and 24 June 2021.The event gathers together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and…