Project details



Open dynamic system for saving energy in urban spaces

Start date: 01.11.2012

Duration: 36 months

Coordinator: TNO

Budget: 3.7 M€


The aim of the Odysseus project is to develop an Open Dynamic System (ODYS) enabling the 'holistic energy management' of the dynamics of energy supply, demand and storage in urban areas, on top of an open integration platform supporting the integration scenario's for designated urban areas exemplified in the cities of Rome and Manchester. While in Manchester project results will be validated on a mature energy efficiency environment, on Rome it is in the early stages of dealing with energy efficiency in public building. So comparisons among each scenario will enrich conclusions on project results.

The concept of holistic energy management covers the monitoring of energy operation in a certain area according to 1) dynamic energy profile information for all relevant 'energy nodes' and 2) the actual conditions and behaviour of all these nodes. Based on integral monitoring of planning and actual information problems can be spot (like deviations) and recommendations for resolution and in general optimization including commercial negotiation processes between the stakeholders (long term decision support). The later especially for real-time but also more tactical or even strategic adaptations (adding or changing nodes, changing connection, profiles, ...).The Open Integration Platform will capture all energy node information required in a "dynamic Energy Profile Card" structured according to a proposed full taxonomy of energy node types and their associated properties and interrelationships.

List of achievements

The ODYSSEUS project video can be found here


Contact person: Johan Taal
Address: TNO

