

NEBULA, a bold new EU-funded initiative, is set to convene a powerful network of innovators to drive disruption and accelerate transformation of the highly traditional built environment sector. Launched under the…

The IWG5-CSA project officially started in September for a period of 36 months, and is implemented by EUREC (Coordinator), ECTP, EURAC and WIP.

It will support the SET Plan’s Implementation Working Group on Energy…

The European Commission has just launched a public consultation, open for 12 weeks, on the past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework Programmes 2014-2027.

It will contribute to Horizon…

ECTP is pleased to invite you to subscribe to the SHAPE-EU newsletter. The European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact, SHAPE-EU, is the point of reference for a socially-inclusive…

We all jumped into the energy-saving challenge!  The INSTRUCT research project invites you to give your opinion on the energy renovation of your home. Would you like to fill out the 3-minutes survey to make a…

Less than 2 weeks left to take part in the Call for Papers for the next Young Energy Researchers Conference and Awards held on 28 February 2023 in Wels/Austria as part of the World Sustainable Energy Days 2023 (WSED) – a…

EPB Center, ECI, BPIE and ECTP bring together key actors from their side and the European Commission, a guest moderator from EuroACE and guest panellists from EPEE and eu.bac/EU-ASE to make the invisible visible and…

The Chairs and Executive Boards of the 6 ECTP Committees have conducted over the last months a strategic reflection on the research and innovation paths that should be supported under the 2nd half of Horizon Europe,…

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership is a new transnational initiative (part of the European Partnerships in Horizon Europe) on joint research, technological development and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and…

The project European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU - Grant Agreement no. 101069909) will support SMEs, public authorities and affordable housing providers to implement…