11.12.2022 | NEBULA Project promises to supercharge sustainable innovation in built environment sector
NEBULA, a bold new EU-funded initiative, is set to convene a powerful network of innovators to drive disruption and accelerate transformation of the highly traditional built environment sector. Launched under the…
06.12.2022 | Launch of IWG5-CSA project
The IWG5-CSA project officially started in September for a period of 36 months, and is implemented by EUREC (Coordinator), ECTP, EURAC and WIP.
It will support the SET Plan’s Implementation Working Group on Energy…
02.12.2022 | Public consultation on the past, present and future of the European R&I programmes 2014-2027
The European Commission has just launched a public consultation, open for 12 weeks, on the past, present and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework Programmes 2014-2027.
It will contribute to Horizon…
11.10.2022 | Subscribe to SHAPE-EU newsletter!
ECTP is pleased to invite you to subscribe to the SHAPE-EU newsletter. The European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact, SHAPE-EU, is the point of reference for a socially-inclusive…
28.09.2022 | Give your opinion on the energy renovation of your home!
We all jumped into the energy-saving challenge! The INSTRUCT research project invites you to give your opinion on the energy renovation of your home. Would you like to fill out the 3-minutes survey to make a…
26.09.2022 | Young Energy Researchers Conference and Awards: Call for Papers (deadline on 10 October)
Less than 2 weeks left to take part in the Call for Papers for the next Young Energy Researchers Conference and Awards held on 28 February 2023 in Wels/Austria as part of the World Sustainable Energy Days 2023 (WSED) – a…
19.09.2022 | EUSEW2022 Policy session: EU convergence of building performance calculation methods
EPB Center, ECI, BPIE and ECTP bring together key actors from their side and the European Commission, a guest moderator from EuroACE and guest panellists from EPEE and eu.bac/EU-ASE to make the invisible visible and…
21.07.2022 | The 6 ECTP Committees have issued their Position Papers!
The Chairs and Executive Boards of the 6 ECTP Committees have conducted over the last months a strategic reflection on the research and innovation paths that should be supported under the 2nd half of Horizon Europe,…
12.07.2022 | SAVE THE DATE for the CETPartnership Call Launch Event on 13 September 2022
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership is a new transnational initiative (part of the European Partnerships in Horizon Europe) on joint research, technological development and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and…
07.07.2022 | SHAPE-EU Survey: Barriers and Needs for Implementing Deep Energy Refurbishment
The project European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU - Grant Agreement no. 101069909) will support SMEs, public authorities and affordable housing providers to implement…