

The project consortium is pleased to share the final video of the SCORES project!Link to the video: main goal of SCORES was to combine and optimize the multi-energy generation, storage and…

The INFINITE project is launching a survey to assess the social impacts of retrofitting technologies in the building renovation value chain.New generation retrofit technologies combine off-site prefabrication,…

Watch the eight interesting training videos and learn more about the SCORES project's technology! The content of the Training series is the following:1. Integrated Solutions | TNO2. Building Energy Management System I…

This survey was designed by the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC-ETIP) with the aim to collect information on the main challenges/difficulties that project managers face…

As of March 2022 and for a period of 24 months, 10 partners - including ECTP - have joined efforts to shape the envisaged by the Affordable Housing Initiative 100 lighthouse projects by creating blueprints for a just…

ECTP and its Energy Efficient Buildings (E2B) Committee are pleased to inform you that the ninth - and last - edition of the EeB PPP Project Review has been released. This publication presents the progress of a portfolio…

The EC Directorate-General for the Environment (DG ENV) has commissioned a study aiming at developing an EU-wide whole life carbon roadmap, outlining how all building-related emissions can be mitigated by 2050. It is…

After the successful previous SEED Calls and GROW/HARVEST Call, METABUILDING project will open on March 1, 2022 its 2nd GROW/HARVEST call.

The GROW/HARVEST call aims at stimulating the cross-sectoral collaboration of…

The Energy Globe team knows that there are amazing projects all over the world which are saving our environment. Sometimes small projects, developed by creative and innovative people and entrepreneurs, have enormous…

Energy efficiency – full speed ahead! This is the focus of the next European Energy Efficiency Conference on 7-8 April 2022 in Wels/Austria – part of the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED). The programme is now…